_-=RegCode v8.6 WhatsNew File=-_ - FUTURE : Two types of Key Generation will be availible for you to choose from. The ability to pick the length of your key DataBase managememt program for keys. Ability to include Addresses and other things in the Key Generator. ---NOTE RegCode v8.5a is not compatible with v8.6a CODES!!! Sorry... :( --- - v8.6 : MAJOR : I completly rewrote the keygenerator (again :) It now has a 3 part creation basing its numbers on your gencode the name and Base8 (Binary) numbers Redone : I reoptomized the entire thing, removing useless variables and increasing processing speed. Added : Version number of regcode is a public defination called 'RcVersion' it is a integer, and is stored in the for HiVer-LoVer (eg v8.5 would be 85) Redone : I redid my processing routine (created some parts to the key using information from name and gencode. - v8.5a : Fixed : Forgot to mention that a string could be used as a key Fixed : I added some code to the unit to handle complete string keys. Added : Optimized some more code in the unit. Added : Key Length checking, added main routine so they all use same routine. All versions between v8.0b and v8.5a were not released because they were beta versions. ---NOTE RegCode v8.0b is not compatible with v8.0a CODES!!! Sorry... :( --- - v8.0b : Fixed : When a name was less then 4 characters it generated a wrong key. Fixed : When a generation code was less then 1,525,105 it would generate a wrong key. MAJOR : I completely redid the keygeneration routines! they are extremely hard to break through now!!! MAJOR : Your gencode is now a String instead of a LongINt. Added : Your GenCode now controls anything that happens while generating or validating keys! Added : WHATSNEW.TXT file Added : Names can now be case sensitive or non case sensitive by setting CaseEffect:=False for Non-Case Sensitive and CaseEffect:=True for Case sensitivity. The default is CaseSens. Added : Optimized some code in the unit. Added : Key Length checking. Removed : FileExists and DelFile after noticing they were already in the SysUtils unit (oops... :) - v8.0a : First public release. (Pretty high version for first release!) - v7.9 : The code was converted into Delphi v2.0 and all ASM procedures had to be removed :( I modified a HEX converter and implemented it in the KeyGenerator. - v7.3 : I mutated the Key Generation alogaritm to include a random # generator. and the 16bit FileKey Encryption had to be removed (due to its easy hackablity. thanx RD :) and was replaced again by XOR (Better encryption! Hard to believe huh? :) - v6.5dm : This was a special release for a friend that included a experimental Key EnCoding and FileKey Encryption alogarithm (Both were easy to decrypt by anybody! So they were removed) - v5.8 : The FileKeys are now encrypted using a 16bit Encryption alogaritm written in ASM. - v4.6c : FileKeys are now encrypted using an XOR ecryption and thier size was reduced. - v3.5a : The unit now can handle 50 char strings as the Keys. FileKeys added to the unit. - v2.2b : The unit now used 13 character strings as the Keys the keys were generated using a Generation Code now. - v1.5a : I converted the unit to Turbo Pascal v7.0 and changed the procedures from using Integers to LongInt's. Optimized the entire thing by rewriting the small procedures in ASM. - v1.0 : When I just started this Project. It was a Turbo Pascal v5.5 unit that used only Integers for the keys and could only have a maximum key of 32,767. (Pretty sorry huh?)